Society of Friends
InhaltThe Society of Friends (Förderverein) supports the Kunstmuseum Thun and the Thun-Panorama on all matters: by purchasing important works for the collection, with contributions for ambitious publications and exhibitions. The Society of Friends is a lively society that organises guided tours, art trips or encounters with artists so as to facilitate a more intensive engagement with art for its members.
Current film about the Society of Friends in arttv.ch
The Society of Friends was founded in 1959 under the name „Vereinigung der Freunde der Kunstsammlung Thun„ with the aim of supporting the museum’s collecting activities. As a result, a number of major works could be acquired. The works acquired by the Society of Friends are entrusted to the museum on permannt loan and thus made accessible to the general public. The Society of Friends works closely with the museum director. It also helps to make the Kunstmuseum Thun additionally attractive by its special contributions towards extraordinary exhibitions or publications. Thus the Society of Friends plays an important role in securing a prominent position for the Kunstmuseum Thun and its Collection in the Swiss museum landscape.
Attractive offer with exclusive events
Numerous discounts: free entry to the Thun Art Museum and the Thun Panorama in the Schadaupark as well as in museums in other cities: Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau; Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur; Center d`Art contemporain, Genève; Center d`Art Neuchâtel; Kunsthalle Bern; Kunsthalle Basel; Kunsthaus Baselland; Center Pasquart, Biel; Kunsthalle Fri-Art, Friborg; Kunsthaus Langenthal; Kunsthalle St. Gallen; Kunsthaus Glarus; Lucerne Art Museum; Shedhalle Zurich; Kunsthalle Zurich
Free guided tours and work discussions in the exhibitions
Discounts on publications in the art museum
Special price on the subscription to the art bulletin
Invitations to all museum activities (vernissages, guided tours, museum educational workshops, concerts, etc.)
Studio visits to well-known artists
Interesting excursions to art sites or outstanding exhibitions
Members receive special invitations to the individual events
Individual member, CHF 70.–
Couple, CHF 95.–
other family members, students and apprentices, CHF 10.–
Artists, CHF 40.–
Patrons, from CHF 120.–
Company, from CHF 300.–
Patrons plus, from CHF 500.-
Companies plus, from CHF 1’000.-
Society of Friends Kunstmuseum Thun
Hofstettenstrasse 14
3602 Thun
T +41(0)33 223 24 62
Bylaws (german) [PDF / 47.1 KB]