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Fritz Bruno Gottardi

Fritz Bruno Gottardi was born in Saanen in 1932. He trained as a primary school teacher in Hofwil/Bern and then worked as a teacher in Thierachern. After his first contacts with the pottery scene in Thun, he became a visiting student at the Keramische Fachschule [Ceramics college] and the Kunstgewerbeschule [School of Arts and Crafts] in Bern. He produced his first relief works in his studio at Freienhofgasse 11B in Thun. He went on to produce Kunst-am-Bau [Percent for Art] projects in Thun, Thierachern and Oberdiessbach. In 1970 he took part in the fifth Plastikausstellung [Sculpture exhibition] in Biel and also displayed his work at various group exhibitions in Thun, such as at the 4th Thun Exhibition in 1982. He died in Gwatt in 2012.

Fritz Bruno Gottardi

Fritz Bruno Gottardi was born in Saanen in 1932. He trained as a primary school teacher in Hofwil/Bern and then worked as a teacher in Thierachern. After his first contacts with the pottery scene in Thun, he became a visiting student at the Keramische Fachschule [Ceramics college] and the Kunstgewerbeschule [School of Arts and Crafts] in Bern. He produced his first relief works in his studio at Freienhofgasse 11B in Thun. He went on to produce Kunst-am-Bau [Percent for Art] projects in Thun, Thierachern and Oberdiessbach. In 1970 he took part in the fifth Plastikausstellung [Sculpture exhibition] in Biel and also displayed his work at various group exhibitions in Thun, such as at the 4th Thun Exhibition in 1982. He died in Gwatt in 2012.

Showing 650 out of 650 works