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Jeanmarie Hänggi, known as Angi, was born in Porrentruy in 1936. He studied architecture in Zurich. He lived in Porrentruy after sojourns in Paris, Lisbon and Mexico. He worked for a firm of architects and at the same time as a painter and sculptor. He took part in various exhibitions, including two retrospectives – at the Musée Jurassien des Arts in Moutier in 1975, and at the Hôtel-Dieu in Porrentruy in 1996. He was awarded the Eidgenössischer Kunstpreis [Swiss Federal Art Prize] in 1971. Angi died in Porrentruy in 2000.


Jeanmarie Hänggi, known as Angi, was born in Porrentruy in 1936. He studied architecture in Zurich. He lived in Porrentruy after sojourns in Paris, Lisbon and Mexico. He worked for a firm of architects and at the same time as a painter and sculptor. He took part in various exhibitions, including two retrospectives – at the Musée Jurassien des Arts in Moutier in 1975, and at the Hôtel-Dieu in Porrentruy in 1996. He was awarded the Eidgenössischer Kunstpreis [Swiss Federal Art Prize] in 1971. Angi died in Porrentruy in 2000.

Showing 650 out of 650 works